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Introducing Bakland

What is a cabin? 

The seasoned park owner will, more-often-than-not, know exactly what they are looking for as they will already have a firm understanding of what products work for their business. For those new to the sector, with a new project, or diversifying from something else (farm diversification, air b’n’b etc) a simple question such as “what is it you are looking for?” can often prove to be more challenging than they expect. 

A little background for you (and for the benefit of our existing F&L customers)...    

You will of course have now read the “About” section of this website, so you’ll now know a little bit more about where we’ve come from (in case you missed it). In a nutshell, we’ve been building cabins for many years now, site built timber frame cabins to be more precise. Bakland represents our short hop over the fence on to the other side (or should I say, another side) into the world of off-site fabrication (or prefabricated cabins, mobiles, twin units to name but a few). In other words, we’re now building in a big shed (alright a factory) and delivering to site, fully assembled on the back of a lorry.  


So, what kind of cabins will we be building? 

When we last refreshed the website of our mothership (The F&L Cabin Co) I wrote a short piece (below) about the wealth of terminology associated with each subset of what we all call cabins. A few years later, little has changed, although you could probably add Tiny Homes, Tiny Houses, or just add the word “glamping” or “eco” in front of lodges, cabins and pods and you’re starting to get the hang of it. 

“So what is a cabin? You may have come across a lot of confusing terminology when it comes to categorising timber buildings, particularly in the holiday sector – log cabins, lodges, micro lodges, chalets, twin units, mobiles and pods to name but a few. And when does a cabin become a home? In our opinion, it doesn’t really matter what you call them, whether it’s a high specification timber frame house for permanent use, or small, quirky, overnight guest accommodation. The most important factor is that they are designed and built to suit your needs, as well as those of your business, the planners, and the local authorities.” F&L website circa 2015. 

I would still agree with all-of-the-above, and “log cabins” for some reason still fronts that list. When I’m asked what we do by someone not in the industry, I’ll tell them, and most people will reply “what, log cabins?” There are a few specialist log cabin builders in the UK, way more in Europe, USA and Canada, all practising the ancient art of log-on-log construction and all that goes with it. Not many do it over here, but despite that, the most common search on Google in the UK remains…log cabins.  

To answer the last question, we’re now going to be building factory fabricated cabins and holiday lodges. Predominantly under the guidelines of the Caravan Act, the BS3632 or any other transport or shipping friendly parameters required to do the job.    

“Clear as mud!” you cry “so what are modular cabins?”

I think we’ll leave that one for another day. 


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